Hand, foot and mouth disease as an important public health challenge: clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment, literature review
Introduction and objective: The ailment commonly referred to as Boston exanthem disease is also known as hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD). It is an infectious viral ailment usually of mild nature, triggered by enteroviruses and the coxsackie virus. Typical symptoms of HFMD include elevated temperature, fatigue, reduced appetite, abdominal and throat discomfort, painful mouth sores, and skin lesions. The incubation period ranges from 3–6 days, with symptoms persisting for 7–10 days. Today, the established diagnostic criteria for HFMD rely mainly on clinical symptoms and patient history. Most HFMD patients receive outpatient care with supportive measures alone, while isolation is recommended to reduce disease transmission. Generally, HFMD is mild and does not result in permanent damage. Dehydration stands as the primary complication, while the most severe consequences are associated with the central nervous system (CNS). This review was aimed at exploring the recent literature on HFMD, focusing on its epidemiology, aetiological factors, and novel strategies for its prevention and management.
Material and methods: The authors’ main goal was to summarise current scientific reports on the researched topic based on databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and taking into account their own materials (photos).
Conclusions: The prevalence of this illness is rising. It is crucial to highlight its highly contagious nature, making it capable of rapid and widespread transmission. Understanding Boston exanthem disease and encompassing both typical and atypical symptoms is essential for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment protocols. This article discusses the most recent literature concerning HFMD, with a special focus on epidemiology, its defining traits and causative factors, and emerging strategies for its prevention and management.
Słowa kluczowe: handfoot and mouth diseaseHFMDBoston exanthem diseaseinfectious diseases
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