Vol 60, No 1 (2001)
Original article
Published online: 2000-11-09
The value of the heavily T2-weighted sequence in evaluation of the cisternal and petroclival segment of the abducent nerve
Folia Morphol 2001;60(1):69-72.
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of magnetic resonance (MR) in imaging of the cisternal and petroclival segments of the abducent nerve. Heavily T2-weighted submillimetric 3D sequence in axial plane, T1-weighted 3D, 1.5 mm slice thickness sequence in axial plane and TOF sequence were performed on 16 volunteers. Additionally the reformatted T2-weighted images in sagittal and in oblique parasagittal plane parallel to the abducent nerve in the pontine cistern were performed. The heavily T2-weighted sequence provides high contrast between fluid and other structures. High signal intensity of the cerebrospinal fluid is a kind of background for cranial nerves, vessels, meninges as well as for bony and fibrous structures. The authors identified the abducent nerve in at least one plane of the submillimetric, heavily T2-weighted sequences in 84.4% cases (in 84.4% in axial plane, 68.8% in sagittal and 84.4% parasagittal parallel to the VI-th cranial nerve in the pontine cistern). Dorello™s canal was identified in 27/32 abducent nerves (84.4%) on the submillimetric, heavily T2-weighted sequence in parasagittal parallel to the abducent nerve in the pontine cistern plane. In 71.9% (23/32) of cases, the abducent nerve was in contact with the arterial vessel in pontine cistern.
Keywords: abducent nervemagnetic resonance imagingheavily T2-weighted sequence