Vol 60, No 1 (2001)
Original article
Published online: 2000-11-09
Effects of ethanol and arachidonic acid pathway inhibitors on the effectiveness of gastric mucosa cytoprotection
Folia Morphol 2001;60(1):47-56.
Cytoprotection in the stomach, consisting in the mucus secretion, mucous circulation intensification and bicarbonate secretion to the gastric lumen, is highly dependent on the products of arachidonic acid pathway and peroxidative-antioxidative balance. The aim of the paper was to examine the effects of selected inhibitors of arachidonic acid pathway on the natural protective system of the gastric mucosa exposed to 50% ethanol. The results show that leukotrienes, thromboxane and oxygen reactive forms significantly impair the protective function of the gastric mucosa while prostaglandins and antioxidant enzymes act protectively.
Keywords: cytoprotectionethanolarachidonic acid pathway inhibitorsoxygen free radicalsantioxidants