Vol 61, No 4 (2002)
Original article
Published online: 2002-08-29
Co-existence of apoptotic and necrotic features within one single cell as a result of menadione treatment
Folia Morphol 2002;61(4):217-220.
In the present study we examined the effects of menadione, a redox cycling
agent, on structural changes of human osteosarcoma line 143B cells. It has
been previously reported that menadione can cause necrotic or apoptotic cell
death in a concentration- depending manner. In our experimental model, cells
were treated with 100 μM menadione for 24 hours. Using electron microscopy
technique cells carrying three kinds of morphological changes were detected:
necrotic cells, apoptotic cells and those demonstrating a co-existence of apoptotic
and necrotic features in one single cell.
Keywords: menadioneapoptosisnecrosissingle cellelectron microscopy