Tom 11, Nr 3 (2016)
Opis przypadku
Opublikowany online: 2016-07-13
A broken balloon catheter entrapped in coronary artery due to its rupture during angioplasty of a chronic total occlusion: a rare complication of angioplasty managed conservatively
DOI: 10.5603/FC.2016.0034
Folia Cardiologica 2016;11(3):219-221.
We present a case of a 72-year-old patient who underwent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty due to a chronic total occlusion of left anterior descending artery. The balloon catheter ruptured and entrapped in the chronic lesion and had broken while attempting to remove from the lesion. End portion of the balloon catheter retained in the lesion. We tried various extraction methods but were unsuccessful. Because of the patient’s high surgical risk, we left the broken part of balloon catheter in lesion and fixed it to the coronary wall by stenting.
Słowa kluczowe: percutaneous coronary interventionballoon angioplastycomplicationscoronary device entrapment