Vol 71, No 1 (2020)
Review paper
Published online: 2020-02-24

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Can Hashimoto's thyroiditis cause vertigo? [Czy choroba Hashimoto może być przyczyną zawrotów głowy?]

Katarzyna A. Miśkiewicz-Orczyk1, Grażyna Lisowska1, Dariusz Kajdaniuk2, Matuesz Wojtulek1
Pubmed: 32129465
Endokrynol Pol 2020;71(1):76-86.


Vertigo and balance disorders are common symptoms reported by approximately 15–20% of the adult population worldwide. For many years thyroid diseases have been suspected as the cause of vertigo by ENT physicians. Almost every patient hospitalised due to severe vertigo is investigated for thyroid disease as a suspected cause of acute vestibulopathy. The issue presented in this paper is related to a difficult and poorly understood relationship between autoimmune thyroid disease and peripheral vertigo.

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