- Endokrynologia Polska
- About the Journal Submissions
Author Guidelines
Journal follows recommendations of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) available at http://www.icmje.org/recommendations.
Publisher strongly recommends that Journal Editors adhere to the principles of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), particularly to deal with acts of ethical misconduct. For more information Authors, Readers and Editors may visit the COPE website: http://publicationethics.org/.
Endokrynologia Polska (EP) (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Journal’ or ‘EP’) is the official journal of the Polish Society of Endocrinology. The Journal publishes the following types of peer-reviewed articles:
— original research papers,
— review articles,
— clinical practice guidelines,
— expert recommendations/position statements,
— short communications (brief original research papers),
— clinical vignettes (brief case reports).
The Journal also publishes editorials, meta-analyses, letters to the editor and conference materials (congressional papers and abstracts). The Editors of the Journal endorse the principles laid down in the Declaration of Helsinki and expect all the research involving human subjects to have been conducted in accordance with these principles.
In the case of research involving animal experimentation, the editors expect it to have been carried out in accordance with the Interdisciplinary Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research, Testing and Education issued by the New York Academy of Sciences Ad Hoc Committee on Animal Research. A statement that the principles laid down in the aforementioned documents have been complied with should be included in the text of the article. It is also required that all the research involving human subjects or animal experimentation has been approved by the relevant local ethics committee, which should also be indicated in the text of the article. The text should also include a statement that all the subjects have given informed consent to participate in the research.
Accepted articles are published in the print and online version of the Journal. The electronic version is the primary one. Articles are published in English.
Peer review process
Electronically submitted manuscripts are first checked by the Journal’s editors for completeness and compliance with the house style requirements outlined below. Manuscripts that are incomplete and/or do not comply with the Journal’s house style are rejected without further review. Manuscripts that are complete and comply with the Journal’s house style are reviewed by the Journal’s Editors and, if found potentially acceptable, they are sent for evaluation by independent reviewers. While the authors are encouraged to suggest the reviewers for the manuscript, the editors reserve the right to make the final decision. The manuscript is accepted for publication upon favourable opinions of the Editors, reviewers and the Editor-in-Chief.
Conflict of interest
At the time of manuscript submission, authors of research papers are obliged to disclose any financial arrangements they might have with the company whose product played an important role in the research or with the company manufacturing a competitor product. This information will not be shared with the reviewers and will not affect the decision to publish the paper. After the manuscript is accepted for publication the editors will discuss with the authors the manner in which the information on funding sources should be communicated to the reader. The Journal’s policy requires that the reviewers and editors should disclose, in a letter to the Editor-in-Chief, any obligations and circumstances that might adversely affect the publishing process of the manuscript being reviewed. Such disclosure should include information on any financial associations with the company manufacturing the drug being the subject of the publication.
Materials previously published should be accompanied by a written consent for reprinting both from the relevant publishers and from the authors of the original paper. Information included in case reports, illustrations or original research papers cannot allow identification of persons. Supplying patients personal data is prohibited.
Copyright transfer
By submitting the manuscript electronically, along with illustrations and tables, the authors declare that it has not been published before or submitted to the editorial board of any other journal (except for abstracts of up to 350 words). The authors also confirm that they automatically transfer to the copyright holder, i.e. Polish Society of Endocrinology), free of charge, any copyright allowing publication and dissemination of the submitted materials, in all available forms and fields of exploitation (in accordance with Article 50 of the Act on copyright and related rights, including multimedia technologies and dissemination through tele-informatic networks), if the materials are accepted for publication. The authors accepts that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the written consent of the copyright holder, represented by the Publisher.
All individuals who have significantly contributed to the manuscript are considered co-authors. All the co-authors are obliged to indicate their contribution to the publication (conception, design, methods, investigations, analysis of data, writing of the manuscript, etc.). One co-author may indicate more than one type of contribution and the same type of contribution may be indicated by more than one co-author. Other types of contribution, such as provision of reagents or analytical tools, should be disclosed in the “Acknowledgements” section.
Authors who have an ORCID identifier (ORCID iD) are kindly asked to provide it.
The Editorial Board and the Publisher make every effort to see that all the information published in the Journal is reliable and accurate. The opinions expressed in the articles and advertisements are, however, published at the sole responsibility of the authors, sponsors and advertisers. Therefore, neither the Editorial Board nor the Publisher can be held accountable for any consequences resulting from using any inaccurate information. While the doses of drugs and other numeric quantities are carefully checked for accuracy, any treatment regimens described in the Journal should be used in accordance with the relevant product information published by the manufacturers.
Electronic text format
The authors are requested to prepare the manuscripts in a format utilised by the commonly used word processors (e.g. DOC, DOCX, ODT, RTF). The use of standard 10- to 12-point fonts is advised. Tables, figures should be saved in the editable file, and photographs should be saved in the following file jpg, or tif. Please do not submit the manuscript as a PDF file. The PDF format is, however, suggested for submitting a cover letter — the authors’ declaration. Abbreviations derived from English terms along with their expansions should be provided in the parentheses after the abbreviated term on its first occurrence in the text. Abbreviations that are not accepted by international groups of experts should be avoided.
Manuscript structure
1. Original research papers
Main file: The title of the paper; a running title (of up to 40 characters including spaces); The authors’ full names; the affiliation of each author (name of the institution from which the paper originates); authors' ORCID identifiers (open access) and/or academic titles and medical degrees; The full name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author; Information on grants and other funding sources; Abstract (of up to 350 words, structured into sections labelled as follows: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusions); Keywords (3–10, in accordance with the Index Medicus Medical Subject Headings); Text (Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions) not exceeding 3500 words. These limits are exclusive of abstracts, tables, figures, photographs, illustrations and references.
Supplementary files: (1) Files with tables, figures and photographs (unless already included in the main file); (2) A file in Polish (authors who do not speak Polish are not obliged to submit this file) containing the following: Title of the paper (full and running title); Abstract; Keywords; The titles and descriptions of the tables, figures and photographs; The affiliation of each author (name of the institution from which the paper originates); The full name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author; Information on grants and other funding sources.
The Editorial Board offers fast-track publication of original research papers that due to their breakthrough nature are qualified as Rapid communications.
2. Review papers
Main file and obligatory supplementary files: same as with the original Research papers, however with a limit of no more than 6000 words. EP Editors prefer papers based upon a systematic analysis of the literature. The suggested structure of such paper should include Introduction and Conclusions (Summary). The other subtitles should reflect the overall concept of submitted paper. The Abstract should be complete, not exceeding 350 words.
3. Short communications
Main file: Title of the paper; a running title (of up to 40 characters including spaces); The authors’ full names; the affiliation of each author (name of the institution from which the paper originates); authors' ORCID identifiers (open access) and/or academic titles and medical degrees; The full name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author; Information on grants and other funding sources; Abstract (of up to 200 words, structured into sections labelled as follows: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusions); Keywords (3–10, in accordance with the Index Medicus Medical Subject Headings); Text (Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References) and tables, figures and photographs, not exceeding 1000 words with one table/illustrations and no more than 10 references. If the number of tables/illustrations must be greater, the core text should be abbreviated.
Supplementary files (obligatory): (1) Files with tables, figures and photographs (unless already included in the main file); (2) A file in Polish (authors who do not speak Polish are not obliged to submit this file) containing the following: Title of the paper (full and running title); Abstract; Keywords; The titles and descriptions of the tables, figures and photographs; The affiliation of each author (name of the institution from which the paper originates); The full name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author; Information on grants and other funding sources.
4. Clinical Vignettes
Main file: The title should reflect the nature of the case vignette. A brief case report not exceeding 750 words with no more than 5 references (if necessary), of specific educational value, supplemented with rare illustrations accompanied by their detailed descriptions. In all, illustrations should not exceed 6 components. The final layout of a Clinical Vignette is limited to two journal pages. Please get acquainted with the PDF versions of the published Clinical Vignettes on our website [example: https://journals.viamedica.pl/endokrynologia_polska/article/view/EP.a2020.0010/51270]. The authors’ full names; the affiliation of each author (name of the institution from which the paper originates); authors' ORCID identifiers (open access) and/or academic titles and medical degrees; The full name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author; Keywords: 3–6.
Supplementary files: Files with tables, figures and photographs (unless already included in the main file).
Authors may additionally consider sending a translation of their Clinical Vignette into Polish to be posted on the website of the Polish Society of Endocrinology along with a link to the original version of the article.
Volume of submitted manuscript — in summary
The following limits should be observed: original research papers — 3500 words, review — 6000 words, short communication — 1000 words (these limits are exclusive of abstracts, tables, illustrations and references) and clinical vignettes — 750 words, letters — 750 words. Additional information and acknowledgement may be placed at the end of main text, before references.
Tables, illustrations and photographs
Tables, illustrations and photographs should be of quality allowing readability after 100% downsizing.
- tables should be editable in .doc (.docx) files
- charts, if available, shoud be editable in .doc (.docx) or .ppt (.pptx) files
- images should be in following graphic formats: .jpg, .png, .tif files
The numbers should be provided in accordance with the sequence of their inclusion within body of text. Descriptions of tables, illustrations and photographs should be provided separately. Materials that have already been published elsewhere should be accompanied by a permission from the former Publisher, allowing republication.
The references must be consecutively numbered according to the order in which they are cited in the main text and given in square brackets. Authors must ensure that all references are cited accurately and those in the main text body are also included in the list of references and vice versa. Standard abbreviations should be used for journal names. References older than ten years should only be cited if absolutely necessary. The style of references is that of Index Medicus.
Journals. A citation to a journal should include the following elements: the consecutive number of the reference; a list of the first three authors followed by ‘et al.’ (each author should be listed by his/her surname followed by the initial of his/her first name or by the initials of his/her first and middle names); the article title; the journal title (the abbreviations of the journal titles should be in accordance with the Index Medicus); the year of publication; the volume number (use arabic numbers); the initial and final pages. Do not use such terms as ‘in preparation’ or ‘oral communication’. In justified cases these may be included in the main text. Please note: references you should include DOI numbers of the cited papers (if applicable) — it will enable the references to be linked out directly to proper websites. Example: 1. Redon J, Cifkova R, Laurent S et al. Mechanisms of hypertension in the cardiometabolic syndrome. J Hypertens 2009; 27: 441–451. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0b013e32831e13e5.
Books. A citation to a book should include the following elements: the consecutive number of the reference; a list of all the authors (each author should be listed by his/her surname followed by the initial of his/her first name or by the initials of his/her first and middle names); the title; the publisher; the place and year of publication; the page range. Example:2. Arendt J. Melatonin and the mammalian pineal gland. Chapman and Hall, London 1995.
Book chapters. Reference to a specific chapter should include: the consecutive number of the reference; a list of the authors of the chapter (each author should be listed by his/her surname followed by the initial of his/her first name or by the initials of his/her first and middle names); the title of the chapter; the author (editor) of the book (surname followed by initial(s)); the title of the book; the publisher; the place and year of publication; the page range. Example:3. Kauffman JM, Vermeulen A. Androgens in male senescence. In: Nieschlag E, Behre HM, eds. Testosterone, action, deficiency, substitution. Springer, Berlin 1998; 437–471.
The manuscripts should be submitted online using the manuscript electronic submission system at http://czasopisma.viamedica.pl/ep, where instructions on using the system are available. The Editors reserve the right to reject the manuscript if not all steps of electronic manuscript submission have been completed. The submitted paper should be accompanied by a Cover Letter recommending the paper to EP editorial team. A template attached to these guidelines may be used.
An important submission step is inclusion of Authors’ Statement (based upon available template (below) in which authors confirm, among other things, that:
— the manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere,
— the manuscript has been approved by all the co-authors and by the management of the institutions where it
originated as well as that they obtained written approval of the local bioethical committee, in all instances where it is required,
— they agree to automatically and free of charge transfer the copyright to the Journal owner upon acceptance of their paper for publication,
— all the funding sources have been disclosed,
— they are familiar with and will follow the Journal’s house style and author guidelines,
— they are ready to pay for the printing of colour artwork, if required.
The Authors’ Statement should be printed out, completed, signed, scanned and passed o the Editorial Board along with the submitted manuscript.
Publication Fee (Article Processing Charge, APC):
— all types of articles — 700 EUR + tax
For active members of the Polish Society of Endocrinology (Polskie Towarzystwo Endokrynologiczne) — only for 1st, 2nd, or the last author APC is 500 EUR + tax.
The APC will be required after acceptance for publication.
Address for correspondence:
Dariusz Kajdaniuk MD, PhD
„Endokrynologia Polska”
Chair of Pathophysiology and Endocrinology,
Medical University of Silesia, Katowice,
H. Jordana 19, 41–808 Zabrze, Poland
e-mail: endopat@sum.edu.pl
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Copyright Notice
Completion of the online submission form electronically is tantamount to automatically and free-of-charge transferring of the copyright for publishing and distribution of the submitted material (in all known now and developed in the future forms and fields of exploitation) to the copyright holder, i.e. Polish Society of Endocrinology, under condition that those materials are accepted for publication. The authors agree not to publish any data or figures presented in their work anywhere and in any language without the prior written consent.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Processing Charge — APC: 700,00 EUR (plus tax)
For active members of the Polish Society of Endocrinology (Polskie Towarzystwo Endokrynologiczne) [only for 1st, 2nd, or the last author] the APC is: 500 EUR (plus tax).
The Article Publication Fee will be required after acceptance for publication.
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