Vol 61, Supp. I (2010)
Review paper
Published online: 2011-09-22
Transsexualism — diagnostic and therapeutic aspects
Gender identity disorder (GID, transsexualism) is a multidisciplinary problem of an unclear aetiology. Although the diagnosis of GID is
generally established by psychiatrists, the diagnostic team always includes an endocrinologist, who is responsible for hormonal therapy.
Hormonal therapy is the first step in the sex reassignment procedure and requires careful monitoring in the initial phase and in later years
of treatment.
In this paper we review the latest aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of transsexualism and the most common complications of hormonal intervention. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (education supplement I): 27–31)
In this paper we review the latest aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of transsexualism and the most common complications of hormonal intervention. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (education supplement I): 27–31)
Keywords: gender identity disordertranssexualismdiagnosishormonal therapy