Vol 62, No 5 (2011)
Review paper
Published online: 2011-11-08
Transplantation osteoporosis
Endokrynol Pol 2011;62(5):472-485.
Transplantation provides a valuable, often life-saving, treatment for end-stage failure of many organs, including the heart, kidneys, liver,
pancreas and lungs. It is also an important therapeutic option in diseases of the bone marrow and the immune system. Despite the undoubted
benefits for transplant patients, it is associated with an increased risk of many complications. The potential causes include: poor
general health of the patient, heavy burden of the surgery itself and the need for the long-term use of immunosuppression. In addition,
the patients are also on numerous other medications, e.g. anti-coagulants, diuretics. Osteoporosis and high risk of fractures have emerged
as frequent and devastating complications of the transplantation process. This article provides a review of the current literature on osteoporosis
after transplantation, and the treatment options for this serious illness. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (5): 472–485)
Keywords: transplantationosteoporosistreatment