Vol 63, No 1 (2012)
Case report
Published online: 2012-02-29
Agranulocytosis during treatment of chronic hepatitis C complicated by hyperthyreosis. Case reports
Endokrynol Pol 2012;63(1):52-55.
Agranulocytosis is a life-threatening disorder characterised by a greatly decreased number of circulating neutrophils below 500/μL. This
article presents two cases of agranulocytosis in patients treated with pegylated interferon and ribavirin due to chronic hepatitis C. Interferon
induced hyperthyroidism, which required the use of a tyreostatic. Anti-thyroid drugs (ATD) used to treat hyperthyroidism can cause agranulocytosis. The synergistic reaction of ATD and interferon on bone marrow cannot be excluded.
Keywords: hyperthyroidismagranulocytosisanti-thyroid drugspegylated interferon alphagranulocyte colony-stimulating factor