Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Research paper
Published online: 2020-01-13

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Assessment of drug susceptibility and biofilm formation ability by clinical strains of Listeria monocytogenes

Krzysztof Skowron1, Klaudia Brożek1, Magdalena Łukasik1, Natalia Wiktorczyk1, Jakub Korkus2, Eugenia Gospodarek-Komkowska1
Disaster Emerg Med J 2020;5(1):12-18.


BACKGROUND: Listeria monocytogenes is a cause of listeriosis, dangerous especially for elderly, immunocompromised people and pregnant women. Ability to colonize biotic and abiotic surfaces and form biofilm by these pathogens poses a serious threat for the hospitalized, catheterized patients.

METHODS: The study was conducted on 29 L. monocytogenes strains isolated from clinical materials (blood, cerebrospinal fluid, swabs from vagina) and the reference strain L. monocytogenes ATCC 1911. Ability to form biofilm in 96-well plates and drug susceptibility (disk diffusion method) of tested strains was determined.

RESULTS: All strains formed biofilm though it’s intensity was correlated with source of isolation. The strong biofilm formed 72.73 % of isolates from cerebrospinal fluid ((A570 0.421 – 1.3), 75.0 % of blood isolates 9 (A570 0.389 – 1.063) and 50.0 % of isolates from vaginal swabs (A570 0.457 – 0.487). The strongest biofilm was formed by strains derived from cerebrospinal fluid whereas isolates from vaginal swabs, which strongly formed a biofilm accounted for 50.0% of the studied population (absorbance 0.457 - 0.487). It was found that 93.1 % (n=27) of strains were susceptible to all drugs tested. Two strains (6.9 %) were resistant to cotrimoxazol and 1 strain (3.45 %) to erythromycin.

CONCLUSIONS: Diverse ability to form biofilm by clinical L. monocytogenes strains is an important aspect in prophylaxis in catheterized patients.

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