open access

Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Published online: 2017-03-31
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The preparation and usage of public rescue units cooperating with the national medical rescue system towards actions taken on the spot of a disaster — an analysis of the issue based on the example of Wroclaw and Lower Silesia

Pawel Piotr Gawlowski, Lukasz Iskrzycki
Pubmed: 21224132
Disaster Emerg Med J 2017;2(1):27-32.

open access

Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Published online: 2017-03-31


INTRODUCTION: A disaster is an occurrence requiring numerous emergency services being engaged in order to successfully bring help to the victims.

PURPOSE: The thesis describes Lower Silesia’s public rescue units and the possibility of using them in the field of a disaster.

METHODS: The thesis descriptively presents a historical view of disasters, the Polish legal system that regu­lates the principles of operation on the field of the disaster and the disposal of the volunteer units. It also presents the legal requirements concerning the equipment of the above-mentioned units.

RESULTS: The volunteer rescue units present in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia are very well equipped while the rescuers are very highly trained. Their varied scope of operations enables the units’ disposal both to natural and mechanical disasters. Continual rescue exercises allowed such procedures to gain a uniform character which improves the efficiency of the actions on the spot of the disaster.

CONCLUSIONS: The disposal of volunteer rescue units seems to be determined by long lasting actions due to the length of time needed to reach operational readiness.


INTRODUCTION: A disaster is an occurrence requiring numerous emergency services being engaged in order to successfully bring help to the victims.

PURPOSE: The thesis describes Lower Silesia’s public rescue units and the possibility of using them in the field of a disaster.

METHODS: The thesis descriptively presents a historical view of disasters, the Polish legal system that regu­lates the principles of operation on the field of the disaster and the disposal of the volunteer units. It also presents the legal requirements concerning the equipment of the above-mentioned units.

RESULTS: The volunteer rescue units present in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia are very well equipped while the rescuers are very highly trained. Their varied scope of operations enables the units’ disposal both to natural and mechanical disasters. Continual rescue exercises allowed such procedures to gain a uniform character which improves the efficiency of the actions on the spot of the disaster.

CONCLUSIONS: The disposal of volunteer rescue units seems to be determined by long lasting actions due to the length of time needed to reach operational readiness.

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disaster medicine, paramedics, volunteer rescue units, management of the disaster

About this article

The preparation and usage of public rescue units cooperating with the national medical rescue system towards actions taken on the spot of a disaster — an analysis of the issue based on the example of Wroclaw and Lower Silesia


Disaster and Emergency Medicine Journal


Vol 2, No 1 (2017)



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Bibliographic record

Disaster Emerg Med J 2017;2(1):27-32.


disaster medicine
volunteer rescue units
management of the disaster


Pawel Piotr Gawlowski
Lukasz Iskrzycki

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