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Gacek, Aleksandra, Medical University of Silesia, School of Medicine with the Division of Dentistry, 3rd Department of Cardiology - Clinical Department of Internal Medicine, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases, Zabrze, Poland Gacka, Jan Gaddi, A. Gadve, Sharvil Gahtani, Mona Ali Manssor Gajewska, Danuta Gajewska, Danuta (Poland) Gajewska, Danuta Gajewski, R. Gajos, Grzegorz Gajos, Grzegorz Gajos, Grzegorz Gajos, Grzegorz (Poland) Galajda, Peter Galajda, Peter, Clinic of Internal Medicine I, University Hospital Martin and Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Slovak Republic Galasso, Ryan Gall, M-A. Gallego, Patricia H. Galli-Kienle, Marzia Gambert, Philippe Gandecka, Agnieszka, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Department of Internal Medicine and Diabetology Gandecka, Agnieszka Gangadhar, Prathosh Gangopadhyay, Kalyan Kumar Ganguri, Murali
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