Vol 11, No 5 (2010): Practical Diabetology
Review article
Published online: 2011-02-16
Continuous glucose monitoring in patients with diabetes — a review of available systems
Diabetologia Praktyczna 2010;11(5):167-172.
The diabetes mellitus is increasing worldwide.
Advances in modern technology have been an
important place for improvements in the treatment
of diabetes. Continous glucose sensors provide much
more information on daytime and nighttime glucose
pattern than glucose fingerstick measurements. The
clinical studies reported improvement of glycemic
control, quality of life and decreasing of hypoglycemic
episodes in patients with diabetes. In that
article the methodologies of the continuous glucose
monitoring (CGM) are described. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010;
11, 5: 167–172)
Keywords: diabetesglycemic controlglucose sensor