Vol 10, No 6 (2021)
Research paper
Published online: 2021-05-26

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Impact of probiotic intake on the glycemic control, lipid profile and inflammatory markers among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Azza Ismail, Olfat Darwish, Dalia Tayel, Dalia Elneily, Gihan Elshaarawy
Clin Diabetol 2021;10(6):468-475.


Background. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is

a chronic disease with many dramatic complications.

It has also been suggested that altered intestinal

microbiota leads to increased intestinal permeability

and mucosal immune response, contributing to the

development of diabetes. We aimed to investigate

the effect of introduction of probiotic products on

glycemic control and inflammatory markers among

patients with T2DM.

Methods. The present work was carried on 150 patients

with T2DM. The studied patients were subjected to

full history taking, clinical examination and laboratory

investigations including fasting blood glucose (FBG),

2 hours post prandial blood glucose (2hPP), glycated

hemoglobin (HbA1c), total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides

(TG), HDL-C, LDL-C, C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin

6 (IL6) and tumor-necrosis factor alpha (TNF a).

They were divided into 3 groups each of 50 patients.

They were all instructed to eat well-balanced diet. The

first group was instructed to eat the well-balanced diet

only, the second group received 2 cups of yogurt daily

in addition to diet and the third group received one

teaspoonful yeast daily in addition to diet. The effect

of the intervention was evaluated after 16 weeks.

Results. Patients receiving yogurt and the patients

receiving yeast showed significant reduction of FBG,

HbA1c, IL6, TNF-a, CRP and significant elevation of HDL-C

compared to patients on diet only. The 3 groups showed

significant reduction in 2hPP blood glucose and LDL-C.

Conclusion. Probiotic intake in patients with T2DM has

beneficial effect on glycemic control, lipid profile and

inflammatory markers after 16 weeks.

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