Vol 1, No 6 (2012)
Review article
Published online: 2013-03-11
Gliklazyd MR – skuteczność i poprawa współpracy z pacjentem z cukrzycą typu 2
Diabetologia Kliniczna 2012;1(6):239-245.
Type 2 diabetes is a growing problem of modern medicine.
There is an increasing number of evidences that
very good glycemic control is associated with a reduced
risk of micro- and macrovascular long-term complications.
The challenge of today’s diabetology is therefore
the development of such therapeutic regimens that
would secure very good results of metabolic control
for the widest range of patients. In recommended
therapeutic regimens of international organisations, as
well as the Polish Diabetes Association, sulfonylureas
still have a very important position. The special place
among drugs in this group occupies gliclazide MR. This
drug is evaluated as highly effective and very safe,
with a low risk of hypoglycemia. Effi cacy, safety, and
numerous additional benefi cial (pleiotropic) effects of
the drug have been shown in numerous clinical studies.
The advantages of this formulation were fi nely
confi rmed in one of the most major clinical trials conducted
in type 2 diabetes patients — ADVANCE study.
The results of these studies suggest that gliclazide MR
should be taken into account in various therapeutic
regimens in type 2 diabetes patients.
There is an increasing number of evidences that
very good glycemic control is associated with a reduced
risk of micro- and macrovascular long-term complications.
The challenge of today’s diabetology is therefore
the development of such therapeutic regimens that
would secure very good results of metabolic control
for the widest range of patients. In recommended
therapeutic regimens of international organisations, as
well as the Polish Diabetes Association, sulfonylureas
still have a very important position. The special place
among drugs in this group occupies gliclazide MR. This
drug is evaluated as highly effective and very safe,
with a low risk of hypoglycemia. Effi cacy, safety, and
numerous additional benefi cial (pleiotropic) effects of
the drug have been shown in numerous clinical studies.
The advantages of this formulation were fi nely
confi rmed in one of the most major clinical trials conducted
in type 2 diabetes patients — ADVANCE study.
The results of these studies suggest that gliclazide MR
should be taken into account in various therapeutic
regimens in type 2 diabetes patients.
Keywords: gliclazide MRgliclazide MR