Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Other materials agreed with the Editors
Published online: 2012-04-11
Initiation and intensification of the type 2 diabetes therapy with human insulins — practical approach
Diabetologia Kliniczna 2012;1(1):33-37.
Premixed insulins have a very important role in thetherapy of type 2 diabetes after fail of the oral treatment. In initiation of insulin therapy, after short periodof combined therapy with oral drugs and NPHinsulin, introduction of premixed insulins is necessary.Often the initiation of insulin therapy with twodaily injections of premixed insulins is also accepted.There are no serious differences in effects of therapybetween human and analog premixed insulins.After introduction of human premixed insulins theimprovement in quality of life was observed. In somecircumstances there is superiority of human premixedinsulins in comparison to analog premixed insulins,eg. in gastroparesis or in patients preferring snacksbetween main meals. (Diabet. Klin. 2012; 1, 1: 33–37)
Keywords: type 2 diabetesinitiation of insulin therapypremixed human insulinspremixed analog insulinsquality of life