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Włodzimierz Januszewicz i wsp.,
Nadciśnienie tętnicze oporne — wybrane częste i rzadkie przyczyny
1. Alderman M.H., Budner N., Cohen H., Lamport
B., Ooi W.L. Prevalence of drug resistant hy-
1988; 11: II71–II75.
2. Alderman M.H. Resistant hypertension: a cli-
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3. Calhoun D.A., Jones D., Textor S. i wsp. Re-
sistant hypertension: diagnosis, evaluation,
and treatment. A scientific statement from
the American Heart Association Professional
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4. Mancia G., De Backer G., Dominiczak A. i wsp.
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7. Januszewicz A., Prejbisz A. Oporne nadciśnie-
nie tętnicze. Zasady postępowania w praktyce
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8. Persell S.D. Prevalence of resistant hyperten-
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9. de la Sierra A., Segura J., Banegas J.R. i wsp.
Clinical features of 8295 patients with resistant
hypertension classified on the basis of ambula-
tory blood pressure monitoring.
2011; 57: 898–902.
10. Gupta A.K., Nasothimiou E.G., Chang C.L.,
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predictors of resistant hypertension in the
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11. Bunker J., Callister W., Chang C.L., Sever P.S.
How common is true resistant hypertension?
J. Hum. Hypertens.
2011; 25: 137–140.
12. Rossi G.P., Seccia T.M., Maniero C., Pessi-
na A.C. Drug-related hypertension and resi-
stance to antihypertensive treatment: a call
for action.
J. Hypertens.
2011; 29: 2295–2309.
13. Parati G., Lombardi C., Hedner J. i wsp. Posi-
tion paper on the management of patients with
obstructive sleep apnea and hypertension: joint
recommendations by the European Society of
Hypertension, by the European Respiratory So-
ciety and by the members of European COST
(COoperation in Scientific and Technological
research) ACTION B26 on Obstructive Sleep
J. Hypertens.
2012; 30: 633–646.
14. Witkowski A., Prejbisz A., Florczak E. i wsp.
Effects of renal sympathetic denervation on
blood pressure, sleep apnea course, and gly-
cemic control in patients with resistant hyper-
tension and sleep apnea.
58: 559–565.
15. Prejbisz A., Piotrowska A.J., Jóźwik-Pleba-
nek K., Piotrowski T., Januszewicz A. Zabu-
rzenia snu u chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze.
W: Więcek A., Kokot F. (red.). Postępy w nefro-
logii i nadciśnieniu tętniczym. Tom X. Medycyna
Praktyczna, Kraków 2011: 31–38.
16. Śliwiński P., Januszewicz A., Prejbisz A. Lecze-
nie nadciśnienia tętniczego u chorego z obtu-
racyjnym bezdechem sennym. W: Więcek A.,
Januszewicz A., Szczepańska-Sadowska E.,
Prejbisz A. (red.). Hipertensjologia. Patogene-
za, diagnostyka i leczenie nadciśnienia tętni-
czego. Medycyna Praktyczna, Kraków 2011:
17. Śl iwiński P. Obturacyjny bezdech senny.
W: Więcek A., Januszewicz A., Szczepańska-
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sjologia. Patogeneza, diagnostyka i leczenie
nadciśnienia tętniczego. Medycyna Praktycz-
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18. Pimenta E., Calhoun D.A. Resistant hyperten-
sion and aldosteronism.
Curr. Hypertens. Rep.
2007; 9: 353–359.
19. Gaddam K.K., Nishizaka M.K., Pratt-Ubuna-
ma M.N. i wsp. Characterization of resistant
hypertension: association between resistant
hypertension, aldosterone, and persistent
intravascular volume expansion.
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20. Douma S., Petidis K., Doumas M. i wsp. Pre-
valence of primary hyperaldosteronism in
resistant hypertension: a retrospective obse-
rvational study.
2008; 371: 1921–1926.
21. Rossi G.P., Bernini G., Caliumi C. i wsp. A pro-
spective study of the prevalence of primary
aldosteronism in 1,125 hypertensive patients.
J. Am. Coll. Cardiol.
2006; 48: 2293–2300.
22. Cicala M.V., Mantero F. Primary aldostero-
nism: what consensus for the diagnosis.
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23. Chironi G.N., Simon A., Boulanger C.M. i wsp.
Circulating microparticles may influence early
carotid artery remodeling.
J. Hypertens.
28: 789–796.
24. Januszewicz A. Nadciśnienie tętnicze. Zarys
patogenezy, diagnostyki i leczenia. Medycyna
Praktyczna, Kraków 2009.
25. Prejbisz A., Lenders J.W., Eisenhofer G., Ja-
nuszewicz A. Cardiovascular manifestations
of phaeochromocytoma.
J. Hypertens.
29: 2049–2060.
26. Eze-Nl iam C.M., Thombs B.D., Lima B.B.,
Smith C.G., Ziegelstein R.C. The association of
depression with adherence to antihypertensive
medications: a systematic review.
J. Hypertens.
2010; 28: 1785–1795.
27. Gangwisch J.E., Malaspina D., Posner K. i wsp.
Insomnia and sleep duration as mediators of
the relationship between depression and hy-
pertension incidence. Am. J. Hypertens. 2010;
23: 62–69.