Vol 4, No 4 (2002)
Published online: 2003-02-10
Efficacy of Solcoseryl in patients with pre-gangrene of lower limbs treated by vascular reconstructive surgery
Chirurgia Polska 2002;4(4):167-173.
Background: The aim of this double-blind study was to evaluate
the efficacy of intravenous injection of Solcoseryl (HD) in patients who underwent vascular reconstruction due to pre-gangrene of the lower extremities. Other surgical
approaches were ineffective in these patients. In this study, the authors can establish that Solcoseryl would alleviate pain and oedema, and stimulate demarcation of necrotic tissues and healing of ulcers.
Material and methods: The study was performed in 60 patients with pre-gangrene of the lower extremities treated by reconstructive vascular surgery. Solcoseryl (20 ml/day) was administered intravenously for 15 days, in addition to routine treatment.
Results: HD-treated patients showed a significant improvement in the Doppler index, nerve conduction, oxymetry and ulcer size. There were no significant differences in the API index between HD-treated and placebo-treated patients. After 2-year follow-up in 18 HD-treated patients, 10 responded to therapy (no claudication), whereas 8 did not (persistent pain or amputation). Of 22 placebo-treated patients, 5 patients responded to therapy and 17 did not.
Conclusions: Intravenous injection of Solcoseryl in patients with pre-gangrene treated by vascular reconstruction accelerates the healing of peripheral necrotic lesions. Intravenous injection of Solcoseryl in patients with pre-gangrene of lower limbs treated by vascular reconstruction increases tissue oxygenation and alleviates the effects of prolonged ischaemia, such as persistent pain in the limb, sensory disturbances and ischaemic neuropathies.
Material and methods: The study was performed in 60 patients with pre-gangrene of the lower extremities treated by reconstructive vascular surgery. Solcoseryl (20 ml/day) was administered intravenously for 15 days, in addition to routine treatment.
Results: HD-treated patients showed a significant improvement in the Doppler index, nerve conduction, oxymetry and ulcer size. There were no significant differences in the API index between HD-treated and placebo-treated patients. After 2-year follow-up in 18 HD-treated patients, 10 responded to therapy (no claudication), whereas 8 did not (persistent pain or amputation). Of 22 placebo-treated patients, 5 patients responded to therapy and 17 did not.
Conclusions: Intravenous injection of Solcoseryl in patients with pre-gangrene treated by vascular reconstruction accelerates the healing of peripheral necrotic lesions. Intravenous injection of Solcoseryl in patients with pre-gangrene of lower limbs treated by vascular reconstruction increases tissue oxygenation and alleviates the effects of prolonged ischaemia, such as persistent pain in the limb, sensory disturbances and ischaemic neuropathies.
Keywords: Solcoserylcritical limb ischaemiavascular reconstruction