Vol 8, No 1 (2006)
Published online: 2006-03-17
Mandibular adamantinoma - odontogenic tumour, locally malignant. Case description and literature review
Chirurgia Polska 2006;8(1):95-100.
Adamantinoma is an odontogenic epithelial tumour, locally malignant, with a strong tendency to recur.
Most frequently, in as many as 80% of cases, it develops in the mandible; in 16% it concerns the maxilla,
usually the maxillary sinus; whilst the remaining 4% are a variation of peripheral adamantinoma located
in the soft tissue. This paper presents a case of partial resection of the mandibular body due to the
recurrence of adamantinoma with simultaneous reconstruction using an autogenic graft from the iliac ala
stabilised with a reconstructive titanium plate.
Keywords: adamantinomaameloblastomaodontogenic mandibular tumourrecurrencereconstruction of the mandibular bone