Vol 10, No 1 (2008)
Published online: 2008-04-15
Primary gigantic lipoma of the arm
Chirurgia Polska 2008;10(1):54-57.
This paper presents a rare case of a primary gigantic tumour of the right arm in a fifty-seven-year old
man. The measurements of the arm tumour were as follows: length - 490 mm, width - 340 mm,
circumference - 1080 mm, weight - 7350 grams, while the period of its development was about 20
years. The patient was admitted to hospital as an emergency case suffering from bleeding of superficial
tumour vessels and secondary anaemia. The patient was operated on in a planned course of action.
During and after the operation no complications were observed while secondary anaemia syndromes
Keywords: lipomaprimary giant lipomabenign neoplasmmesenchymal soft tissue