Vol 10, No 2 (2008)
Published online: 2008-10-21
Acute appendicitis during pregnancy
Chirurgia Polska 2008;10(2):125-132.
Between 2000-2006, in the 2nd, Department of Surgery at the Medical College of the Jagiellonian University,
we performed 4 laparoscopic appendectomies in pregnant patients with acute appendicitis. Diagnostic
difficulties in relation to the progression of pregnancy are discussed. Our own experience and the use of
laparoscopic technique are also presented. We have evaluated the possible influence of operative
management on the further development of the fetus. There were no complications related to the operative
procedure. All pregnancies developed normally until delivery, which were either natural (3 patients) or
cesarean (1 patient, due to obstetrical indications). We conclude, therefore, that laparoscopic
appendectomy seems to be a safe approach both for mother and baby during any trimester of pregnancy.
Keywords: acute appendicitispregnancy