Vol 10, No 3-4 (2008)
Published online: 2009-05-06
A case of multiple interventions for foreign body ingestion in a mentally challenged patient
Chirurgia Polska 2008;10(3-4):189-193.
A case of multiple surgical, conservative and endoscopic interventions for foreign body ingestion in
a mentally challenged patient is presented. During numerous hospitalizations, the patient underwent
laparotomy for bowel perforation, as well as upper alimentary tract endoscopies and conservative management.
During one of her hospital stays, she choked, requiring resuscitation and developed pneumothorax
requiring chest drainage. It is quite safe to assume that numerous foreign bodies were passed
spontaneously. The authors have decided to present this case due to the multiplicity of the interventions,
as well as the occurrence of life-threatening complications. A review of the available literature on the
problem of the diagnostics and treatment of alimentary tract foreign bodies has also been presented.
Keywords: alimentary tract foreign bodiesdiagnosticstreatmentcomplications