Vol 10, No 3-4 (2008)
Published online: 2009-05-06
The process of neoangiogenesis in colorectal carcinoma
Chirurgia Polska 2008;10(3-4):170-174.
Colorectal carcinoma is still one of the most crucial problems in oncology today. Firstly, this neoplasm
occurs frequently and in terms of new cases world wide - at around one million per year - it is second
on the list, right after pulmonary carcinoma. Secondly, it is a neoplasm which still has a poor prognosis
in which the survival rate over a five-year period, in the majority of cases, is below 50%. Moreover, there
are around half a million deaths a year worldwide. In this work, the authors discussed the role of
neoangiogenesis in the large intestine cancer pathogenesis.
Keywords: colorectal carcinomaneoangiogenesisVEGF