Vol 12, No 1 (2010)
Published online: 2010-08-13
Surgical approach to transcatheter aortic valve implantation - state of art in 2010
Chirurgia Polska 2010;12(1):33-38.
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation is a new solution for patients with multiples comorbidities suffering
from severe aortic valve stenosis. It offers a number of advatages to patients. But the procedure is
quite complex. Very important is the strategy which permits the correct planning and cooperation of
multidisciplinary team. The most popular vascular approach are transfemoral and transapical but there
are other possibilities too. Short description each of them were presented.
Polish Surgery 2010, 12, 1, 33-38
Polish Surgery 2010, 12, 1, 33-38
Keywords: TAVIaortic valve stenosisminimal invasive procedure