Vol 12, No 1 (2010)
Published online: 2010-08-13
Endovascular surgery for the treatment of symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. Preliminary report
Chirurgia Polska 2010;12(1):12-17.
Background: Most recent reports on the etiology of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) point to impaired venous
outflow from the central nervous system as a possible cause of the disease. Based on these findings, it
could be theorized that treating lesions which exist within the veins draining the central nervous system
may be beneficial to subjects with MS.
Material and metods: Four subjects underwent endovascular correction of the venous outflow and some of them experienced alleviation of their MS-related symptoms after the procedure.
Results and conclusions: At this moment, it is very difficult to establish if there are real benefits arising from endovascular therapy for these patients. However, early results are very encouraging and studying larger patient populations may bring answers to many important questions.
Chirurgia Polska 2010, 12, 1, 12-17
Material and metods: Four subjects underwent endovascular correction of the venous outflow and some of them experienced alleviation of their MS-related symptoms after the procedure.
Results and conclusions: At this moment, it is very difficult to establish if there are real benefits arising from endovascular therapy for these patients. However, early results are very encouraging and studying larger patient populations may bring answers to many important questions.
Chirurgia Polska 2010, 12, 1, 12-17
Keywords: chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI)multiple sclerosis (MS)endovascular surgery/ procedure