Vol 13, No 1 (2011)
Published online: 2011-10-19
Gunshot of the right buttock — case report
Chirurgia Polska 2011;13(1):83-89.
Gunshot wounds are a major clinical problem in surgical practice mainly because the pathway of the
bullet and the extent of the injuries cannot be immediately assessed during an initial examination. The
number of complications and fatalities with patients hospitalized for gunshot wounds increases significantly
when major blood vessels are damaged. In this paper we will present the case of a young man
whose left common iliac vein, artery and rectum were damaged after a shot in the right buttock.
Polish Surgery 2011, 13, 1, 83–89
Polish Surgery 2011, 13, 1, 83–89
Keywords: shotgunvessel injuryrectum injury