Tom 4, Nr 5-6 (2019)
Historia onkologii / History of oncology
Opublikowany online: 2020-01-09
Leopold Freund (1868–1943) & priority for X-ray therapy for benign disease
Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Onkologicznego Nowotwory 2019;4(5-6):243-246.
The Viennese dermatologist Leopold Freund (1868–1943) is accepted as having priority for the therapeutic use of X-rays for non-malignant disease. This brief article includes the medical history of Freund’s 1896 patient.
Słowa kluczowe: alopeciacancerdermatologyLeopold FreundhirsutesJewish assets in World War IInaevus pigmentosus pilosusNobel PrizeradiotherapyEduard SchiffsunburnX-raysZinnkraut