
Author Guidelines

‘Arterial Hypertension’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘AH’ or ‘the Journal’) is a peer-reviewed official journal of the Polish Society of Hypertension. The Journal publishes review articles, original clinical and experimental investigations on arterial hypertension, case reports, letters, book reviews and editorial comments.

Journal Policies:
Journal follows editorial recommendations of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (available at

Via Medica strongly recommends journal editors to adhere to the principles of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), particularly to deal with acts of ethical misconduct. For more information Authors, Readers and Editors may visit the COPE website:

1. Prior publication
By sending the manuscript with figures and charts the authors declare it has been neither published nor submitted for publication elsewhere (excluding the abstracts 400 words or less). Figures or tables that have been published elsewhere must be identified, and written permission of the original copyright owner must be provided. Such responsibility lies entirely with the authors and the Publisher will not be liable for violation of anyone’s copyright or other rights by the authors. If the data presented in the article enable identification of the persons, their written consent to the publication must be enclosed.  Articles should be free of fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (more information can be found at
2. Authorship
All collaborators who have made significant and substantial contributions to a study are considered coauthors. The nature and level of contribution of all authors of accepted manuscripts must be indicated, i.e. conception, design, execution and interpretation of the data being published, wrote the paper. An author may list more than one contribution, and more than one author may have contributed to the same aspect of the work. Other contributions to the work, such as providing of reagents or analytic tools, should be listed in the Acknowledgements. Ghostwriting and guest-authorship are forbidden. In case of detecting ghost written manuscripts, their actions will be taking involving both the submitting authors and the participants involved. The corresponding author must have obtained permission from all authors for the submission of each version of the paper and for any change in authorship. Submission of a paper that has not been approved by all authors may result in immediate rejection.  All authors must agree to the conditions of publication, however the final responsibility for this information lay on the author submitting the manuscript.
3. Conflict of interest
To meet the responsibility to the public to provide clear and unbiased scientific information, all authors must disclose any association that poses a conflict of interest in connection with the manuscript. Authors must indicate any affiliations, funding sources, or financial holdings that might raise questions about possible causes of bias. This information will not be revealed to the reviewers and will not influence the decision concerning the acceptance of the manuscript. After the article is accepted for publication the Editor will discuss with the authors the manner in which the information concerning the financial sources should be provided to the readers. Reviewers and editors are also required to report any conflict of interest in case of recent collaborations with the author (coauthored a paper or worked together on a grant with the author within the past 24 months). Other examples of possible conflicts include a close personal friendship, past or present association as thesis advisor or thesis student, or a family relationship. Additionally, in case of articles presenting drugs or medical equipment, reviewers and editors should disclose to the Editor-in-Chief any financial relations with the corporations manufacturing described drugs and/or equipment.
4. Copyright
Completion of the online submission form electronically is tantamount to automatically and free-of-charge transferring of the copyright for publishing and distribution of the submitted material (in all known now and developed in the future forms and fields of exploitation) to the copyright holder, under condition that those materials are accepted for publication. The authors agree not to publish any data or figures presented in their work anywhere and in any language without the prior written consent.
5. Publication ethics and malpractice statement
The Editor is responsible for everything published in the journal. The Editor takes all reasonable steps to ensure the quality of the material published. The Editor’s decision to accept or reject a paper for publication is based only on the paper’s importance, originality, clarity and the study’s relevance to the remit of the journal. The description of peer review process is published and clarified and the Editor is able and ready to justify any important deviation from the described process. The authors and peer reviewers’ identities are protected. The Editor provides guidance to authors and reviewers on everything that is expected of them. The Editor does not reverse a decision to accept a submission unless serious problems are identified. The relationship of the Editor to the publisher and owner is based firmly on the principle of editorial independence. The Editor makes decisions on which articles to publish based on quality and suitability for the journal and without interference from the journal owner/publisher.
The Editor can ensure that research material they publish conforms to internationally accepted ethical guidelines. The Editor is able to protect the confidentiality of individual information. The Editor has a duty to act if they suspect misconduct. The duty extends to both published and unpublished papers. The Editor should seek a response from those accused. If not satisfied with the response, the Editor should ask the relevant employers or some appropriate body to investigate. Editors should have systems for managing their own conflicts of interest as well as those of their staff, authors, reviewers and Editorial board members.
6. Human and animal participants rights
All research involving human and animal participants and clinical trials must have the authors institutional review board/local ethical committee approval. Authors are required to include in the Methods section a brief statement identifying the committee approving the experiments. All experiments involving humans must have been conducted according to the principles stated in the Declaration of Helsinki. Authors are obliged to include a declaration confirming that informed consent was obtained from all participants. For animal experimentation reported in the Journal, it is expected that investigators will have observed the Interdisciplinary Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research, Testing and Education issued by the New York Academy of Sciences Ad Hoc Committee on Animal Research. Adherence to these principles should be indicated in the text of manuscript.
7. Legal notice
Relations between copyright holder, the Publisher and the author(s) are in accordance with Polish law and with international conventions binding to Poland. The legal bases to acquiring the copyright are article 921 section copyright law and related law as well as international conventions binding to Poland.

Every effort is made by the Publisher and Editors to ensure that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement appears in journal. However, responsibility for the accuracy of statements of fact, the authenticity of scientific findings or observations, expressions of scientific or other opinion and any other material published in the journal rests solely with the author, the respective contributor, sponsor or advertiser. Accordingly, the Publisher and the Editorial Board accept no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such inaccurate of misleading data, opinion or statement. Every effort is made to ensure that drug doses and other quantities are presented accurately. Nevertheless, readers are advised that methods and techniques involving drug usage and other treatments described in the Journal should only be followed in conjunction with the drug or treatment manufacturer own documentation as published in the country of the reader.

Preparation of manuscripts

Manuscripts should be written in simple, concise and grammatical English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these), within the size limits specified for each type of article, prepared according to the guidelines below. The main text of the manuscript should be written in a standard PC-compatible word processing program (e.g., Microsoft Word) using Times New Roman font size 12, double-spaced throughout and submit as .doc/.docx or .rtf file. The text must be provided unjustified and auto-hyphenation must be inactivated. Greek and other special characters may be used only by inserting in the text as ″Symbol″ (and not by using ″symbol″ font which may be lost during subsequent file processing. It is advised not to underline in the text and avoid footnotes. When essential, footnotes are numbered consecutively and typed at the foot of the appropriate page. All dimensions and measurements must be specified in the metric system. Particular attention needs to be paid to the selection of appropriate analysis of data and the results of statistical test should be incorporated in the results section. Abbreviations, if used, should be defined in brackets on their first appearance in the text. The abbreviations that are not accepted by the international groups of experts, should be avoided.
Original papers should be written in English.

Articles should have the following structure:
Original works
Title page. The title page should carry the full title of the paper and a short title, consisting of not more than 40 characters including spaces, to be used as a running head (and which should be so identified).
The first name, middle initial and last name of each author should appear. If the work is to be attributed to a department or institution, its full name should be included. The name, address and telephone/fax number of the author responsible for correspondence concerning the manuscript should appear on the title page. The title page should include the affiliations of the authors and the sources of any support for the work in the form of grants, equipment or drugs.
Abstracts. An abstract of not more than 250 words should be provided on a separate page. Articles containing original data should include a structured abstract with the following four paragraphs, labeled: Background, Material and methods, Results, and Conclusions. The abstract should be followed by a list of 3–10 keywords or short phrases. When possible, the terms used should be from the Medical Subject Headings list of the Index Medicus.
Text. Full papers of an experimental or observational nature may be usefully divided into sections headed: Introduction, Material and methods, Results and Discussion.

Review articles
Title page. See original works.
Abstracts. See original works.
Text. NT editors may accept for publication reviews that reflect expert opinions based upon random data, however they recommend submission of reviews reflecting systematic analysis of available literature. Such reviews should have the following structure: Background (defining aim of review and clinical problem); Material and methods (criteria for literature selection); Results (presentation of qualitative and quantitative information from studies subjected to analysis); Discussion and Conclusions.

Clinical vignette is a brief description of an interesting, rare and clinically instructive case accompanied by 2 to 4 figures illustrating imaging study results or ECG tracings of good quality and resolution. A clinical vignette should not exceed 500 words (including title and titles of the figures), written in Times New Roman, 12 points, double-spaced with a 2.5-cm margin on each side. Clinical vignette should not be accompanied by a list of references. The number of authors of a clinical vignette cannot exceed five. 

Do not exceed the allowed space for a specific type of article:
Original article — 3000 words,
Review article — 6 000 words,
Case report — 2000 words,
Clinical vignette — 500 words,
Letters — 1000 words
(not including abstract, tables and references).

References. The references should be listed and numbered consecutively according to their appearance in the text (not the alphabetical order). The style of references is Vancuver according to NLM: (

Journals. Should include: the consecutive reference number, names of the authors (list three first with annotation “et al.”), title, journal title (abbreviated in accordance with Index Medicus), year, volume (Arabic numerals), issue number, first and the last page. Please do not use the phrases “in press”, “in preparation”, “oral communication”. They can be used in the reasonable cases in the text.

Example: Miller KR, McClave SA, Kiraly LN, et al. A tutorial on enteral access in adult patients in the hospitalized setting. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2014; 38(3): 282–295.

Books. The consecutive reference number, author, title, the editor, the place and the year of publication should be given. Reference to the specific chapter should include: name of the author and his initials, chapter title, pages, name of the author (editor) of the book and his initials, the editor, year and place of publication and pages.

Example: (author is the editor): Braunwald E. Heart Disease. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia 1992: 393–418.

Example (author and editor are different): Rosen MR. Principles of cardiac electrophysiology. In: Kelley WN (ed). Internal Medicine. J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia 1992: 90–95.

Tables and illustrations. Written permission from publishers for any figure previously published must be submitted with the initial manuscript.

Sending the manuscript to the journal
The manuscripts are submitted electronically using the Electronic Manuscript Submission panel available on our website.
All manuscripts submitted should be accompanied by a author statement.

There are no submission or processing charges.

Author statement

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Copyright Notice

Completion of the online submission form electronically is tantamount to automatically and free-of-charge transferring of the copyright for publishing and distribution of the submitted material (in all known now and developed in the future forms and fields of exploitation) to the copyright holder, under condition that those materials are accepted for publication. The authors agree not to publish any data or figures presented in their work anywhere and in any language without the prior written consent.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.