Sexual needs and reactions of perimenopausal women
Introduction: According to the World Health Organization, sexual activity is a fundamental human right and an
integral part of human life.
Material and methods: The study assessed the sexual needs and responses of perimenopausal women. The study
group consisted of 200 women aged 45–55. The research was conducted in 2016 using the diagnostic survey
method, using the company’s own questionnaire and the Mell-Krat Scale for women.
Results: The respondents are not ashamed to talk about their sex life (71.0%). Most perimenopausal women
have intercourse once a week (53.0%), and 50.5% of the respondents do not show initiative before intercourse
and only sometimes want to have sex. Only 13.5% of the respondents achieve an orgasm during each
intercourse and after about 6-15 minutes (32.5%). Most women feel slightly moist during foreplay (54.0%),
but feel pleasantly tired and content after intercourse (53.0%). Many women (38.0%) change sexual positions
during intercourse, but choose only the basic onesand has an activity such as moving the body, touching
and pulling the foreskinin a partner (35.0%). As many as 42.0% of respondents never achieved night orgasm.
Conclusions: Perimenopausal women are not ashamed to talk about their sex life. The subjects most often have
sex once a week. Respondents achieve orgasm in most cases of intercourse, but take a long time to achieve
it. Perimenopausal women feel slightly moist during foreplay, and feel pleasantly tired and content after intercourse.
During intercourse, women are sexually active, change positions, but choose only the basic ones.
Keywords: shamesex lifesexual positionsorgasm
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