Vol 26, No 6 (2021)
Research paper
Published online: 2021-11-05

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Weekly vs. tri-weekly cisplatin based chemoradiation in carcinoma cervix: a prospective randomized study of toxicity and compliance

Aradhana Katke1, Nanda R1, Thejaswini B1, Tanveer Pasha1, Giri G V1, Govind Babu1, Yashwant Pawar1
Rep Pract Oncol Radiother 2021;26(6):948-954.


Background: Addition of chemotherapy to radiation has improved 5-year survival by 6%. However, the optimal dose and schedule of concurrent cisplatin is not well defined, though widely accepted practice is the weekly schedule of 40 mg/m2 for 5 weeks. Repeated admissions for weekly cisplatin drain the limited resources in high volume centres. We intended to study the compliance and toxicity of two cisplatin schedules in our patients diagnosed with carcinoma cervix.

Materials and methods: Between 2007–2011, 212 patients, histologically proven squamous cell carcinoma with stages IIB to IIIB were randomized into two arms. All patients were planned for external beam radiotherapy 45 Gy/25frs over 5 weeks followed by Intracavitary or Interstitial brachytherapy to a total BED dose of 75–85 Gy. Single agent cisplatin given concomitantly, was scheduled weekly (40 mg/m2/cycle, 5 cycles) in an arm A and three weekly (100 mg/m2/cycle, 2 cycles) in an arm B. Toxicity and compliance were evaluated weekly according to the RTOG guidelines. Analysis of the compiled data was done using SSPS version 20.

Results: Of the evaluable 212, 109 patients received weekly cisplatin chemotherapy and 103 patients received three weekly cisplatin. The most common acute toxicity observed was grade I–II leucopoenia. The upper and lower gastrointestinal reactions were high in three weekly arms, which was statistically significant (57% and 42.7%, p < 0.05). Proctitis was observed in 10% of patients in both of the arms and only two patients had Gr1 cystitis after 6 months of treatment.

Conclusions: Tri-weekly cisplatin based concurrent chemoradiation can be adopted in high volume centres with manageable haematological and gastrointestinal acute toxicities.

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