Commissioning and quality assurance of HalcyonTM 2.0 linear accelerator
BACKGROUND: Varian Medical Systems has introduced a new medical linear accelerator called HalcyonTM 2.0, which is based on the ring delivery system (RDS). It is a true IGRT machine having 6MV FFF photon energy. In addition to the planar and MV-CBCT imaging techniques it also has an option of ultra-fast kV-iCBCT which enhances the image reconstruction and improves the visualization of soft tissue. The field portals are shaped by a unique dual layer MLC with special stacked and staggered design which enables high modulation with low radiation leakage. Recently, we have commissioned our first Halcyon 2.0 machine.
The aim of this work was to systematically investigate various parameters of a newly installed HalcyonTM 2.0 linear accelerator.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Detailed measurements were conducted as per various guidelines. Also, the measurements were performed to fulfil the national regulatory requirements. Commissioning data of Halcyon 6 MV-FFF beam was performed in a water tank. For absolute measurements, a 0.6-cc waterproof Farmer chamber and electrometer were used. All relative measurements (PDDs, in-line, cross-line and angular profiles) were performed with 0.0125 cc point chamber.
RESULTS: All the tests were within the acceptable limit. Measured data were compared with factory data as well as the existing medical linear accelerator of the same category. The obtained results were quite satisfactory.
CONCLUSIONS: This study summarizes the commissioning experience with Halcyon linear accelerator. Evaluation of mechanical, radiation safety and dosimetric parameters were performed. The obtained parameters were well below the specified tolerance limits.
Keywords: radiotherapydosehalcyontissuecommissioning
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