
Publication Frequency

Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy (RPOR) is published 6 times a year. Each new issue becomes available no later than on the last day of every second month.

Sharing Research Data

This journal encourages you to share data that supports your research publication where appropriate. Research data refers to the results of observations or experimentation that validate research findings. To facilitate reproducibility and data reuse, this journal also encourages you to share your software, code, models, algorithms, protocols, methods and other useful materials related to the project. If you are sharing data, you are encouraged to cite the data in your manuscript and reference list. Please refer to the "References" section for more information about data citation. 

If you have made your research data available in a data repository, you can link your article directly to the dataset thus giving readers access to underlying data that gives them a better understanding of the research described. There are different ways to link your datasets to your article. When available, you can directly link your dataset to your article by providing the relevant information in the submission system. 

Via Medica recommends the use of Mendeley Data, which enables you to deposit any research data (including raw and processed data, video, code, software, algorithms, protocols, and methods) associated with your manuscript in a free-to-use, open access repository. 

Authors' Rights

Author Rights for Scholarly Purposes

Authors retain Author Rights and no rights in patents, trademarks or other intellectual property rights are transferred to the Copyright Owner. The Author Rights include the right to use the Preprint, Accepted Manuscript and the Published Article for Personal Use, Internal Institutional Use and for Scholarly Sharing. In the case of the Accepted Manuscript and the Published Journal Article the Author Rights exclude Commercial Use other than use by the author in a subsequent compilation of the author’s works or to extend the Article to book length form or re-use by the author of portions or excerpts in other works (with full acknowledgment of the original publication of the Article).

Accepted Manuscript

The Accepted Manuscript should not be added to or enhanced in any way to appear more like, or to substitute for, the Published Journal Article. The Accepted Manuscript should include a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI and should bear a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND license.

Internal Institutional Use

Use by the author's institution for classroom teaching at the institution and for internal training purposes (including distribution of copies, paper or electronic, and use in coursepacks and courseware programs, but not in MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses) and inclusion of the Article in applications for grant funding or for patent applications. For authors employed by companies, the use by that company for internal training purposes.

Personal Use

Use by an author in the author’s classroom teaching (including distribution of copies, paper or electronic) or presentation by an author at a meeting or conference (including distribution of copies to the delegates attending such meeting), distribution of copies (including through e-mail) to known research colleagues for their personal use, use in a subsequent compilation of the author’s works, inclusion in a thesis or dissertation, preparation of other derivative works such as extending the Article to book-length form, or otherwise using or re-using portions or excerpts in other works (with full acknowledgment of the original publication of the Article).

Author’s own write-up of research results and analysis that has not been peer reviewed, nor had any other value added to it by a publisher (such as formatting, copy editing, technical enhancements, and the like). Preprints should not be added to or enhanced in any way in order to appear more like, or to substitute for, the Published Journal Article.

Published Journal Article
The definitive final record of published research that appears or will appear in the journal and embodies all value-adding publisher activities including peer review co-ordination, copy-editing, formatting, (if relevant) pagination, and online enrichment.

Scholarly Sharing

Preprint: Sharing of Preprints by an author on any website or repository at any time. When the Article is accepted, the author is encouraged to include a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI. 

Accepted Manuscript: immediately on acceptance: sharing of the Accepted Manuscript by an author via the author’s non-commercial personal homepage or blog, also via the author’s research institute or institutional repository for Internal Institutional Use or as part of an invitation-only research collaboration work-group.

Published Journal Article: the author may share a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI or may share the Published Journal Article privately with students or colleagues for their personal use, or privately as part of an invitation-only work group on commercial sites with which the publisher has a hosting agreement. Additionally theses and dissertations which contain embedded Published Journal Articles as part of the formal submission may be hosted publicly by the awarding institution with a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI. Any other sharing of Published Journal Articles is by agreement with the Publisher only.

Reversion of rights
Articles may sometimes be accepted for publication but later rejected in the publication process. In such cases all rights will revert to the author.

Authors' Fee

Currently, there is neither preparation charge nor open access charge for any atricles submitted to Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy (RPOR)