Vol 7, No 4 (2021)
Review paper
Published online: 2022-03-29

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Compliance, adherence and concordance in the practice of a rheumatologist. Effectiveness of the therapeutic plan: determinants and possibilities for improvement

Ewa Mojs1
Rheumatol. Forum 2021;7(4):183-190.


Progress in the treatment of rheumatic diseases is associated with the use of drugs focused on modifying disease mechanisms, which in turn leads to a significant improvement in health. Modern treatment is also associated with reducing the risk of disability and exclusion from important social roles. New drugs, including biological drugs, are
expensive and require compliance with the regime related to their use. The above-mentioned factors make it necessary to change attitudes and to strengthen the patient’s motivation to comply with medical recommendations. The paper presents a terminological base in the field of compliance, adherence, concordance and persistence. Moreover, factors limiting compliance with recommendations in the case of chronic diseases were indicated, as well as methods of measuring compliance and adherence, both objective and subjective. It was also shown that the pandemic situation significantly reduced the readiness of patients to comply with therapeutic recommendations, which requires a redefinition of the model of cooperation between the doctor and the patient, and numerous methods of facilitating adherence have been proposed.

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