Vol 15, No 1 (2022)
Guidelines / Expert consensus
Published online: 2022-03-31

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The Polish Society for Pediatric Nephrology (PTNFD) recommendations on the management of children with nephrotic syndrome

Maria Szczepańska1, Irena Bałasz-Chmielewska2, Ryszard Grenda3, Kinga Musiał4, Iwona Ogarek5, Małgorzata Pańczyk-Tomaszewska6, Jacek Zachwieja7, Aleksandra Żurowska2
DOI: 10.5603/RDTF.2022.0001
Renal Disease and Transplantation Forum 2022;15(1):36-57.


On behalf of the Polish Society for Pediatric Nephrology, a group of experts has upgraded the previously announced recommendations* on the management of children with nephrotic syndrome. Recommendations are based on the published European and American guidelines, the results of reliable trials and meta-analyses, as well as local experience. They should be regarded as advisory for pediatricians in their personal experience-driven choice of the optimal available strategy for the diagnostics and treatment of individual pediatric NS patients. The recommendations will be re-updated by the Society in the forthcoming years to account for the continued rapid progress of clinical research and knowledge in the field of glomerulonephritis.  

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