English Polski
Tom 19, Nr 2 (2022)
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Eksport do Mediów Społecznościowych

Eksport do Mediów Społecznościowych

How crucial is the cooperation between medical specialists and patients with coexisting mental and somatic disorders?

Klaudia Adamczewska-Chmiel1, Martyna Bień1, Katarzyna Dudzic1, Krzysztof Krysta2, Marek Krzystanek2
Psychiatria 2022;19(2):123-127.


In the treatment of patients with mental disorders, the management of coexisting somatic disorders poses additional difficulties. In the article, a case report of a 65-year-old male diagnosed with schizophrenia, as well as with cardiac arrhythmia was presented. Additionally, the patient has been addicted to alcohol since the age of 18 and manifests signs of metabolic syndrome. Due to a syncope, he was admitted to the cardiology department, where the diagnose of arrhythmias in the form of atrial fibrillation was made. During periods of exacerbation of mental illness, the patient tends to discontinue the use of both psychiatric and recommended somatic diseases drugs. Due to the patient's persistent atrial fibrillation, the sudden withdrawal of cardiac medications significantly increases the risk of somatic complications including stroke. Effective management of both mental and somatic disorders is crucial, which requires close multidisciplinary cooperation between a psychiatrist and cardiologist.

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