
Publication Frequency

The journal is published monthly. Each new issue is published no later than on the last day of every month.



The project on the development of the journal "Kardiologia Polska" is co-financed from the state budget under the "Development of Scientific Journals" program as per the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science of August 3, 2021 on the "Development of Scientific Journals" program (Journal of Laws of 2021, item Scientific Journals").

The total value of the project is PLN 120,000, including co-financing from the state budget of PLN 90,000.

The project is implemented by Polish Cardiac Society (PTK, Polskie Towarzystwo Kardiologiczne) based in Poland, with the head office in Warsaw, under the agreement No. RCN/SP/0694/2021/1 concluded with the State Treasury – the Minister of Education and Science.

The aim of the project is to improve publishing and editing practices and to maintain the journal in international circulation.


Enhancing the scientific standards and internationalization level of published scientific journals, and improving the level of information dissemination on the results of scientific research or development work – task financed under the agreement No. 692/P-DUN/2019 from the resources of the Minister of Science and Higher Education allocated to activities disseminating science.


Improving the linguistic quality of publications by proofreading – task financed under the agreement No. 1031/P-DUN/2018 from the resources of the Minister of Science and Higher Education allocated to activities disseminating science.