Professor Robert Rejdak, Head of the Department of General Ophthalmology, Independent Public Teaching Hospital No. 1 in Lublin became President of the Association of Polish Ophthalmic Surgeons

The association has been active for eleven years. Its aim is to improve and increase the quality of ophthalmic surgical procedures, sharing experiences between ophthalmic surgeons and raising public awareness about eye diseases and the possibilities of their treatment. Elections of the new association's authorities took place on January 5, 2019 in Warsaw.

The new president is Professor Robert Rejdak, Head of the Department of General Ophthalmology, Independent Public Teaching Hospital No. 1 in Lublin. New vice-presidents are Professor. Marek Rękas, National Consultant in Ophthalmology and Doctor Piotr Kawa.

Professor Robert Rejdak is a highly skilled specialist, familiar with the most modern and pioneering methods in retinal surgery and treatment of eye injuries. He is also a co-founder and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Ophthalmology Journal, which deals with innovation in ophthalmology.