Can erythrodermic psoriasis be considered a paraneoplastic syndrome in patients with metastatic occult gastric cancer?
Introduction. Erythrodermic psoriasis is a relatively rare formof psoriasis. It has many etiologies including infection, inflammatory skin diseases,malignancy, and systemic drug reactions. Itmay be seen more frequently in hematological malignancies. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of paraneoplastic erythrodermic psoriasis in gastric cancer.
Case report. A 59-year-old male patient, who was diagnosed with psoriasis 5 years earlier, presented with severe erythroderma resistant to both local and immunosuppressive treatments. During treatment, hewas diagnosedwith pathological and radiological metastatic occult gastric cancer and treated with a modified FOLFOX-6 chemotherapy protocol that was planned every 14 days. After six cycles of chemotherapy, a clinically significant benefit was observed in control examination. Extensive skin lesions almost completely resolved after chemotherapy. Erythroderma and pruritus symptoms completely regressed. The patient continues his treatment.
Conclusions. Erythrodermic psoriasis may be considered a paraneoplastic syndrome associated with malignant disorders, and therefore paraneoplastic syndrome should be considered in the treatment of these patients.
Keywords: erythrodermic psoriasisoccult gastric cancerparaneoplastic syndromechemotherapy
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