Vol 7, No 1 (2011)
Case report
Published online: 2011-04-28
Cardiac tamponade as the first clinical manifestation of the lung cancer
Onkol. Prak. Klin 2011;7(1):37-39.
The most common causes of cancer pericardial effusion, leading to cardiac tamponade are metastatic
tumors, especially metastatic lung cancer — adenocarcinoma. Cardiac tamponade is rarely caused by
primary tumors (mesothelioma). Cardiac tamponade is usually a consequence of a disseminated neoplastic
process and it is very rarely the first clinical manifestation of neoplastic diseases. The presence of
cardiac tamponade shows an advanced grade of neoplastic process and it is connected with poor clinical
outcome. Therapeutic options are pericardiectomy, pricardiocentesis, radiotherapy and intrapericardial
chemotherapy. However, the median survival time, from the moment of diagnosis, is estimated from
7 days to 12 months. This paper, presents a case of 69-year old patient with cardiac tamponade as the
first manifestation of disseminated neoplastic disease.
Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2011; 7, 1: 37–39
cardiac tamponadeadenocarcinomalung cancer