Vol 7, No 6 (2011)
Review paper
Published online: 2012-02-27
Safety and efficacy of interferon-alfa2b (IFN) in the treatment of patients with mycosis fungoides
Onkol. Prak. Klin 2011;7(6):301-310.
This paper reports our own experience on interferon-alpha as the first-line systemic treatment of mycosis fungoides in the group of patients with advanced stages of disease after failure of skin-directed
therapies. Therapy resulted in improved quality of life and long-lasting, high response rate up to 80%. Given chronic character of MF special account must be taken not only to efficacy of the therapy, but also the safety.
therapies. Therapy resulted in improved quality of life and long-lasting, high response rate up to 80%. Given chronic character of MF special account must be taken not only to efficacy of the therapy, but also the safety.
Keywords: mycosis fungoidesinterferonefficacyquality of life