Experts’ position on durvalumab treatment for cholangiocarcinoma patients
In the Polish population, biliary tract cancers account for about 1% of the incidence and 2.5% of deaths due to all cancers, with 85% of all cases diagnosed in patients over the age of 60. Biliary tract cancer is a neoplasm that originates from intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary epithelial cells and shows features of cholangiocyte differentiation. It can also develop from perihilar glands and hepatocytes. It is characterized by a poor prognosis, while the use of exclusive chemotherapy in the treatment leads to a slight improvement in the treatment effect. The paper presents current guidelines for imaging and endoscopic diagnosis in patients with biliary tract cancer and summarizes data on the efficacy and safety of durvalumab from clinical trials as well as everyday clinical practice.
Keywords: cholangiocrcinomaimmunotherapydurvalumab
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- Obwieszczenie Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 18 września 2024 r. w sprawie wykazu refundowanych leków, środków spożywczych specjalnego przeznaczenia żywieniowego oraz wyrobów medycznych na 1 października 2024 r. Program Lekowy B.5.