Vol 24, No 2 (2021)
Clinical vignette
Published online: 2021-07-30

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[99mTc]MIBI scintigraphy in a patient with thyroid follicular neoplasm: a case report and review of literature

Mohsen Arabi1, Hanieh Zamani1, Masume Soltanabadi2, Leila Kalhor1
Pubmed: 34382681
Nucl. Med. Rev 2021;24(2):118-119.


[99mTc]MIBI thyroid scintigraphy is a useful tool to differentiate benign from malignant thyroid nodules. This report aims to show the diagnostic performance of [99mTc]MIBI scintigraphy used in an 83-year-old woman who had a thyroidectomy about 7 years ago. She had a mass of thyroid which was very large, non-homogenous and painless. [99mTc]MIBI scintigraphy could be a pre-surgical method to investigate the follicular nodules and predicting the malignant form of thyroid nodules. Also, it will provide tissue information for [99mTc]MIBI images in thyroid lesions.

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