Vol 17, No 1 (2014)
Case report
Published online: 2014-03-03
Vesicorectal fistula detected on direct radionuclide cystography — importance of fecal matter imaging
DOI: 10.5603/NMR.2014.0009
Nucl. Med. Rev 2014;17(1):38-39.
We report an 11 year old male patient with the history of imperforate anus, which was repaired surgically 4 years ago. He has been complaining of intermittent passing of urine into the rectum recently. The vesicorectal fistula in this patient was proven by imaging of the fecal matter post direct radionuclide cystography study. Our case showed that nuclear medicine imaging can be extended to unanimated objects such as patients’ excrements or fluids with important diagnostic yields.
Keywords: Direct Radionuclide Cystographyvesicorectal fistulafecal matter