Vol 3, No 1 (2000)
Review paper
Published online: 2000-02-25
The role of sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer management: an overview
Nucl. Med. Rev 2000;3(1):77-81.
Regional lymph nodes surgical management is an integral part of breast cancer therapy. One of the most important therapeutic problems is the risk of surgical treatment which is too wide or inadequate due to the lack of correct presurgical information on the conditions of regional lymph nodes. For melanoma the problem was solved combining surgical accuracy with the slightest surgical resection, using sentinel node biopsy.
In breast cancer the removal of axillary nodes proved to be unnecessary in more than 50% of cases. The first international studies on the use of sentinel node biopsy in breast carcinoma for the identification of patients who do not need axillary clearance suggest the high accuracy of the technique. Some practical problems still exist, however, and the optimisation of the method is not yet complete.
The use of sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer treatment might be able to provide distinctive clinical information, which can improve our knowledge about the disease?'s biological behaviour and about its treatment.
In breast cancer the removal of axillary nodes proved to be unnecessary in more than 50% of cases. The first international studies on the use of sentinel node biopsy in breast carcinoma for the identification of patients who do not need axillary clearance suggest the high accuracy of the technique. Some practical problems still exist, however, and the optimisation of the method is not yet complete.
The use of sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer treatment might be able to provide distinctive clinical information, which can improve our knowledge about the disease?'s biological behaviour and about its treatment.
Keywords: breastaxillary nodessentinel nodedyelymphoscintigraphygamma-probe