Vol 3, No 2 (2000)
Published online: 2003-05-27
Current status and future plans of Nuclear Medicine Procedure Guidelines in Central and Eastern European EANM member societies compared with those in other EANM member societies
Nucl. Med. Rev 2000;3(2):115-122.
The main aim of the EANM Task Group on Quality Assurance
and Standardisation is to develop harmonised clinical procedures
that are accepted within Europe. In order to achieve an
evidence-based analysis of guidelines this Task Group conducted
a survey by means of a questionnaire in the 27 EANM member
societies in July 1999, which investigated the current status
of national guidelines in EANM member societies, specification
of the cover and level of these national guidelines, and future
desires for national, EANM and SNM guidelines.
A reanalysis of the data of this survey was undertaken to evaluate
the differences and similarities between 9 Central and Eastern
European (CEE) EANM member societies and 18 non-CEE (mainly Western European) EANM member societies with regard
to the aforementioned investigated topics.
The results of this reanalysis show only minor differences between
CEE and non-CEE EANM member societies with regard
to the aforementioned topics. Both in CEE and in non-CEE
EANM member societies, there is limited coverage of existing
guidelines, leaving most procedures uncovered. Although the
infrastructure for guideline development is present in both
groups, the main explanation for this similarity is the limited
advancement of the guideline development process, in both
the CEE and non-CEE EANM member societies.
Both groups are willing and ready for guideline development at
the EANM level, with more concordant than discordant reasons
for this. This allows a synchronous implementation of procedure
guidelines in CEE EANM member societies.
Keywords: reanalysissurveyquality assurancenuclear medicineCentral and Eastern Europe