Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
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Published online: 2021-02-19

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Sociodemographic and clinical determinants of the functioning of patients with coronary artery disease

Piotr Michalski1, Michał Kasprzak2, Agata Kosobucka1, Łukasz Pietrzykowski1, Małgorzata Jasiewicz2, Aldona Kubica1
Medical Research Journal 2021;6(1):21-27.


Introduction: Chronic diseases affect many aspects of patients’ lives in various ways, including physical activity, emotional and spiritual sphere as well as social functioning.

Aim: The study aimed to identify factors that determine the functioning of people with CAD, based on the original self-reported questionnaire. Methods: A single-centre, prospective, observational cohort study was carried out in 202 consecutive patients hospitalized due to CAD. The study assessed their functioning in chronic disease using the comprehensive tool: The Functioning in Chronic Illness Scale.

Results: Most of the respondents (44.55%) showed a medium level of functioning in CAD [79 < result < 94 points]. Economic status (average) was an independent factor contributing to better functioning in the disease. Treatment time (1–5 years), marital status (widow/widower) and prior PTCA treatment were independent risk factors for worse FCIS scores. The independent factors determining the negative impact of the disease on the patient were: previous invasive treatment (PTCA and/or CABG) and age ( > 65 years), while the independent determinants of the belief that the course of the disease can be modified were: sex (male) and duration of the disease ( < 1 year).

Conclusions: The study identifies independent factors affecting the functioning of patients with CAD. FCIS questionnaire comprehensively measures patients’ beliefs about the disease. Effective assessment of the quality of the patient’s functioning in the disease may be useful in more individualized therapeutic management.

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