Side effects after intravenous administration of an iodinated contrast agent during computed tomography
Introduction: Computed tomography is now a widely used diagnostic tool due to its availability and imaging accuracy. The study aimed to analyze side effects after intravenous administration of an iodinated contrast agent during computed tomography examination.
Material and methods: The study included patients who agreed to complete a survey regarding their feelings after administration of the contrast agent. This study used the research tool which was an original survey questionnaire based on the Likert scale. The Bioethical Committee of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice has waived the necessity to obtain agreement for this research due to the questionary nature of the research (BNW/NWN/0052/KB/122/23). The analysis was performed in R statistical software, version 4.3.1
Results: The feeling of warmth was significantly stronger in people aged 45–59 than in people aged 60–74 and in people aged 75–89, as well as bad, metallic taste in the mouth. The experience of urinary pressure was significantly stronger in people aged up to 44 and in people aged 60–74 compared to in people aged 75–89 and in people aged 45–59 than in people aged 60–74 and in people aged 75–89. The experience of warmth in the urinary bladder area was significantly stronger in people aged up to 44 and in people aged 45–59 than in people aged 60–74 and in people aged 75–89. Dizziness and headache were significantly more severe in people aged 45–59 than in people aged 60–74 and in people aged 75–89.
Conclusions: A feeling of warmth and warmth in the area of the urinary bladder and a bad (metallic) taste in the mouth most frequently occurred after administration of the contrast agent. Side effects after administration of a contrast agent on the day of the examination are not related to whether the patient has had contrast administration in the past.
Keywords: contrast agentallergyside effectscomputed tomography
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