Vol 80, No 7-8 (2022)
From the Editor
Published online: 2022-08-31

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A record Impact Factor of Kardiologia Polska in 2022: Our ambitions for the future

Anetta Undas12
Pubmed: 36052984
Kardiol Pol 2022;80(7-8):733-735.


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A record Impact Factor of Kardiologia Polska in 2022: Our ambitions for the future

Anetta Undas12
1Institute of Cardiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
2John Paul II Hospital, Kraków, Poland

Correspondence to:

Prof. Anetta Undas, MD, PhD,

Institute of Cardiology,

Jagiellonian University

Medical College,

Prądnicka 80,
31–202 Kraków, Poland,

phone: +48 12 614 30 04,

e-mail: mmundas@cyf-kr.edu.pl

Copyright by the Author(s), 2022

DOI: 10.33963/KP.a2022.0174

July 24, 2022

Revision accepted:
July 24, 2022

Early publication date:
August 30, 2022

On June 28, 2022, Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters) announced the newest Journal Impact Factors (IF) of all periodicals indexed in Web of Science Core Collection. In line with our estimations, the 2021 IF of Kardiologia Polska (Kardiol Pol, Polish Heart Journal), the official journal of the Polish Cardiac Society, is 3.710, and^n it has substantially increased as compared to the value released last year (IF 3.108). Despite well-known limitations of the two-year IF as the most widely used metric of the journal’s prestige, without a strong correlation between an average citation count and the actual scientific relevance of the content, we ought to celebrate this success, which should be perceived as an indirect proof of the potential in clinical science of all Polish cardiologists and researchers dealing with cardiovascular disorders. If we believe in the power of evidence, this IF proves the high standing of our journal among Polish periodicals (Table 1).

Table 1. Top 15 Polish journals based on 2021 Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate


Journal Impact Factor 2021

Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters


Oeconomia Copernicana


Biocybernetics and Biomedical


Polish Archives of Internal Medicine


Reviews on Advanced Materials Science


Biology of Sport


Archives of Civil and Mechanical


Pharmacological Reports


Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis


Kardiologia Polska


Archives of Medical Science


Cardiology Journal


Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology


Journal of Human Kinetics


Advances in Medical Sciences


Regardless of the unprecedented effect of COVID-19 on the current ranking, with a huge increase in this metric, in our case the citation counts of the top cited articles of Kardiol Pol from 20192020 (Table 2) demonstrate a quite well-balanced distribution among various types of published items and diverse topics, even if COVID-19 appears in the titles of 3 of the 9 articles with the highest number of citations recorded in 2021.

Table 2. Nine papers published in our journal in 2019 or 2020, which were most cited in 2021 and most contributed to the 2021 IF of 3.710




Citation count


Decline in the number of coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention procedures in patients with acute myocardial infarction in Poland during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic

Jacek Legutko, Łukasz Niewiara, Stanisław Bartuś,
Sławomir Dobrzycki, Mariusz Gąsior, Marek Gierlotka, Janusz Kochman, Maciej Lesiak, Jerzy Matysek,
Andrzej Ochała, Tomasz Pawłowski, Robert Gil,
Adam Witkowski

Kardiol Pol. 2020; 78 (6): 574–576



New advances in the prevention of transcatheter aortic valve implantation failure: current and future perspectives

Francesco Piroli, Luca Franchin, Francesco Bruno,
Ovidio De Filippo, Fabrizio D’Ascenzo, Federico Conrotto

Kardiol Pol. 2020; 78 (9): 842–849



Effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on the number of hospitalizations for myocardial infarction: regional differences. Population analysis of 7 million people

Mariusz Gąsior, Marek Gierlotka, Agnieszka Tycińska, Adam Wojtaszczyk, Michał Skrzypek, Klaudiusz Nadolny, Jerzy Robert Ładny, Sławomir Dobrzycki,
Andrzej Hausner, Krystian Wita, Wojciech Wojakowski,
Michał Hawranek

Kardiol Pol. 2020; 78 (10): 1039–1042



Blood pressure at high altitude: physiology and clinical implications

Grzegorz Bilo, Sergio Caravita, Camilla Torlasco,
Gianfranco Parati

Kardiol Pol. 2019; 77 (6): 596–603



Atrial fibrillation in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices: new perspectives with important clinical implications

Giuseppe Boriani, Marco Vitolo

Kardiol Pol. 2019; 77 (12): 1119–1120;



Observed and relative survival and 5-year outcomes of patients discharged after acute myocardial infarction: the nationwide AMI-PL database

Bogdan Wojtyniak, Marek Gierlotka, Grzegorz Opolski, Daniel Rabczenko, Krzysztof Ozierański, Mariusz Gąsior, Krzysztof Chlebus, Łukasz Wierucki, Daniel Rutkowski, Dariusz Dziełak, Lech Poloński, Tomasz Zdrojewski

Kardiol Pol. 2020; 78 (10): 990–998;



Initial experience of pulmonary embolism response team with percutaneous embolectomy in intermediate-high- and high-risk acute pulmonary embolism

Marek Roik, Dominik Wretowski, Andrzej Łabyk,
Michał Ciurzyński, Katarzyna Kurnicka,
Barbara Lichodziejewska, Szymon Pacho, Michał Potępa, Agnieszka Szramowska, Janusz Trzebicki,
Marek Gołębiowski, Piotr Pruszczyk

Kardiol Pol. 2019; 77 (2): 228–231



Longitudinal effects of a nurse-managed comprehensive cardiovascular disease prevention program for hospitalized coronary heart disease patients and primary care high-risk patients

Andrzej Pająk, Renata Wolfshaut-Wolak,
Agnieszka Doryńska, Piotr Jankowski, Maria Fornal, Tomasz Grodzicki, Catriona Jennings,
Kalina Kawecka-Jaszcz, Kornelia Kotseva,
Krystyna Pająk, David Wood

Kardiol Pol. 2020; 78 (5): 429–437



Telephone follow-up of patients with cardiovascular implantable electronic devices during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: early results

Diana Paskudzka, Agnieszka Kołodzińska,
Andrzej Cacko, Przemysław Stolarz, Łukasz Łyżwiński, Grzegorz Opolski, Marcin Grabowski

Kardiol Pol. 2020; 78 (7–8): 725–731


On behalf of Associate Editors, I express our gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, and supporters. The journal is an example of teamwork, and contributions of all sizes matter. All of them are as much appreciated as every single citation of any published material from 2019 or 2020, which was included in the latest IF calculation. The top citing authors who contributed to the largest extent to the 2021 IF of our journal have been listed in Table 3.

Table 3. The scientists who most frequently cited the articles from Kardiologia Polska in 2021


Number of citations

Mariusz Gąsior


Maciej Lesiak


Anetta Undas


Jacek Legutko


Dariusz Dudek


Wojciech Wojakowski


Andrzej Pająk


Stanisław Bartuś


Katarzyna Mizia-Stec


Marek Grygier


Grzegorz Opolski


Jadwiga Nessler


We wish to acknowledge the excellent work of committed and prompt reviewers whose contribution to our standing cannot be overrated, and the researchers who wrote the largest number of reviews submitted in 2021 are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Top reviewers of 2021


Number of completed reviews


Marek Grygier



Piotr Musiałek



Artur Dziewierz



Piotr Szymański



Sylwia Iwańczyk



Piotr Kukla



Piotr Jankowski



Paweł Krzesiński



Sylwia Sławek-Szmyt



Ludmiła Daniłowicz



Piotr Suwalski



Wojciech Wojakowski


We are aware of the fact that our journal faces an uphill struggle to sustain the IF above 3.5. At this level of IF, a monthly should not exceed the two-year denominator of 200 in the IF calculation. The decision to review and finally accept a manuscript, especially original articles and reviews or expert opinions (so-called citable items), should be made following in-depth analysis with emphasis on the unquestionable novelty for international scientists and on sound research methodology. The journal is for other researchers who seek stimulating ideas and valuable confirmation of their own concepts, so citation counts of Kardiol Pol represent a measure of the actual crosstalk of Polish cardiology with other research groups all over the world. Analyses pertinent to Poland, still of value from a local perspective, will be suitable for publication in following issues of our journal only if they advance the field and may attract the interest of peers; the list of articles without a single citation (even by their own authors!) over more than 2 years is of key importance to decide what to accept and what to reject. This publishing strategy is needed in a highly competitive world of cardiology journals. We wish to enter the first quartile (Q1, 25% top cardiology journals), which means the IF above 5, so there is a lot of work to do ahead of us.

In a situation uncertain in various ways, in particular, no financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science and the change of our publisher with new editorial staff, several scheduled activities aiming at increasing our current standing have been implemented slowly, or with delay. Everyday editorial activities are more and more time-consuming. We hope that the recent introduction of open-access article processing charges in mid-March 2022 will make our situation more stable and foreseeable.

We have further plans and ambitions to enhance the standing and visibility of Kardiol Pol. We have decided to continue the last year’s project to rename the journal to make the title of Kardiol Pol easier to understand worldwide, i.e. Polish Heart Journal (Pol Heart J). Given the present strategy of Clarivate Analytics, the change might lead to the appearance of 2 journals on PubMed, with the translation of the original title, Pol Heart J, considered a new periodical without any IF in the first year. I will do my best to minimize this risk, and negotiations with Clarivate are underway; there have been a few precedents of smooth transitions in similar journals, without a gap of a year with no IF for a new title. We cannot avoid this seminal change, and we truly believe that postponing it is harmful to the further growth of the journal.

The journal site should also be updated based on the best examples of cardiology journals with images, brief films presenting the latest best articles, and solutions to facilitate interactions with the readership. The current rapid editorial processing times should improve especially at the first stage; our aim is to reach 2 days from submission to the first decision, and 20 days from submission to the first reviews.

We would like to announce that as of August 1, 2022, Dr. Farkowski. MD, PhD, from the National Cardiology Institute in Warsaw, will serve as Editor of Educational Issues of Kardiol Pol. Broad dissemination of knowledge among all physicians interested in cardiovascular disorders is our duty, and the Polish version of the European Society of Cardiology guidelines and expert opinions prepared by Associations and Working Groups of our Society along with translations of some articles from Kardiol Pol will be available.

We sincerely invite you to submit your high-quality research to our journal. As a team, the editors still have the energy and passion to strengthen the position of Kardiol Pol.

Article information

Conflict of interest: None declared.

Funding: None.

Open access: This article is available in open access under Creative Common Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license, allowing to download articles and share them with others as long as they credit the authors and the publisher, but without permission to change them in any way or use them commercially. For commercial use, please contact the journal office at kardiologiapolska@ptkardio.pl.