Tom 17, Nr 1 (2024)
Artykuł przeglądowy
Opublikowany online: 2024-03-29
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Automation of laboratory tests of blood donors in the field of blood-borne infectious agents in the context of own experience of Regional Center for Blood Donation and Blood Treatment in Kalisz
DOI: 10.5603/jtm.99843
Journal of Transfusion Medicine 2024;17(1):13-20.
The paper discusses the importance of automation of respective stages of laboratory testing for
blood-borne infectious agents at the Regional Blood Transfusion Center. Based on our own
experience, the gradual development of the laboratory was described, the solutions used were
presented and their advantages were pointed out. The aim of the study was to show that technological
progress and the associated automation are essential elements in ensuring reliable
research results which translates into strengthening the safety of blood and blood components.
Słowa kluczowe: automationblood donationlaboratory test reliabilityblood-borne infectious agents